J Korean Surgery Hand Soc Search


Journal of the Korean Society for Surgery of the Hand 2007;12(3):95-104.
Published online September 1, 2007.
Development of Anatomical Plating System for Treatment of Distal Radius Fractures
Soo Taek Lim, Jin Sup Yeom, Chung Hoon Lee, Young Ho Lee, Chong Bum Chang, Goo Hyun Baek
원위 요골 골절의 치료를 위한 해부학적 금속판 개발
임수택, 염진섭, 이충훈, 이영호, 장종범, 백구현
The purpose of this study is to develop anatomical plate well fit to skeletal anatomy on the distal radius of Koreans. To assess the accurate bony anatomy of the distal radius, 40 volunteers (men 20, women 20) who had no previous history of disease or trauma at wrist were enrolled in this study. In the 40 subjects, computerized tomography (CT) scan of 70 wrists were obtained. The mean age of the volunteers was 33.3 (range 24~84) years. CT images were saved as DICOM (Digital Image Communications in Medicine) file, the real sized threedimensional bone RP (Rapid Prototyping) model was made from surface model out of this file. The 2 mm thickness plate was drawn on the bone RP model using CAD (Computer aided design) system and the final plastic RP plate model was completed. Anatomical distal radius metal plate will be manufactured through the plastic RP model. In conclusion, this study presents a detailed analysis of the anatomy of distal radius in Koreans and provides a basis for development of anatomical plate for Korean patients. In an economic aspect, this study is helpful in that mass production of anatomical plate is possible to supply at low cost.

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